This summer quarter at ALTS we’re studying catechesis with Pr. Jon Holst. Catechesis is a fancy (Greek: ฮบฮฑฯฮฎฯฮทฯฮนฯ) word for teaching people the Christian faith. In the early days of the Christian church, when Christianity was still illegal in the Roman Empire, new converts to Christianity not only needed to be taught the Christian faith, […]
Luther’s Mary
Introduction. Doctor Luther grew up in a medieval Roman Catholic house that was filled to the brim with the theology of the day. Doctor Luther himself, as a boy, was steeped in the cult of the saints, especially Mary and those related to her. Throughout his reformational journey, Doctor Luther would pare away at medieval […]
Baptized with Fire
Introduction There are many protestant church bodies and denominations in the world today, but one could argue that the grouping of church bodies that is making the most progress in the last one-hundred and fifty years has been the bodies grouped together under the Pentecostal banner. There are hundreds of Pentecostal bodies โ nearly all […]
A Lutheran View of the Decalogue
Introduction From the moment the law was first given, mankind has been unable to keep it, with every human being, in their propensity to sin, falling short of the law of God (Romans 3:23) and drifting into sin. Yet this does not stop the adversary from convincing man to rely on his own strength and […]
Is the COVID-19 Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?
Understanding Revelation The Mark of the Beast is a tricky subject to work through. Before writing this article I spent some time in commentaries, went through a guided Bible study, listened to a few podcasts, and read through my copies of On the Last Judgement, A Summary of Christian Doctrine, Thief in the Night, and […]
The Great Lutheran Khanate?
The Great Lutheran Khanate is a viral twitter meme about a fictitious system of government symbolized by the American Bison and, consequently, the bison emoji ๐ฆฌ.